Free Workbook and Meditation

The Be Love Principles

Simple Soul Wisdom

for Everyday Life

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The Be Love Principles

Simple Soul Wisdom

for Everyday Life

Learn How ↘︎


As a child you were taught how to be good, be nice, be quiet...but you were never taught how to "be love."


You’ve been on the spiritual path for a while. You’ve explored religious traditions, read the masters, studied the mystics and understand the choice between love and fear. You’ve been growing, forgiving, evolving, doing your work and want to be a more loving person. How do you do that? How can you truly forgive and “be love” in the real world? (If you're a student of A Course In Miracles, this might be a familiar question.)

It’s easy while you’re in deep meditation, walking silently in a beautiful forest, or in a group with other spiritual seekers. Then you come back to the real world and the doubts, fears and relationship struggles begin again...


What Are the Be Love Principles?

During a meditation exercise in 2018, Diane L Haworth silently asked, "Love, what do you most want me to know today?" She heard "Be Love" then received what she calls a "direct divine download" that became the Be Love Principles.

The Principles are a series of four statements that can be used individually or together to shift your perspective from an ego-based, personality-driven view to a more expanded, divine one.

Here she introduces you to the Principles as a way to transform all the relationships in your life.

Want to live more consistently from the wisdom of your soul instead of the wounds of your ego? Keep exploring this site!


The Be Love Principles:

    #1. Greet everyone with an open heart, without an agenda.


    #2.  See the divine essence in everyone and everything.


    #3.  Forgive quickly, completely and unconditionally.


    #4.  Remember you are the light. You never left the light of the ALL.


How Diane Received the Be Love Principles

"The Be Love Principles are nothing short of revolutionary - a clear and effective roadmap to anyone seeking more joy, peace and purpose in their life! I am grateful to have them to apply in literally any and every situation!"

Heathere Evans -Leadership Consultant

Who can use the Principles?

This is for you if:

→ You're already on the spiritual path and are ready for a deeper connection to your own inner wisdom.

→ You want to live a more loving life and have easier, more fulfilling relationships with family and friends.

→ You want a healthier relationship with your body, career, finances, Love and more.

→ You want to feel happier, enjoy more clarity and experience more peace while living in a chaotic world.

→ You are a student of A Course in Miracles or other mystic texts and want to understand how to incorporate those teachings into your daily life.

→ You take responsibility for your own growth and feel called to help create a more compassionate, loving world for future generations.

"Learning to apply Diane's Be Love Principles has been truly personally and professionally life changing for me. Using them immediately led to increased inner peace, confidence and positive relationships. They have helped me connect more deeply, love unselfishly and to live more purposefully." 


A. M., Child Development Center Director

The Be Love Principles Path

Learn to access the wisdom from your own soul.

Start Here

Explore each Principle and learn how they can be used with every relationship in your life.

Listen to podcasts about the Principles and learn the surprising results of a three-month Be Love Principles case study. 

Watch as Diane leads someone through the Principles process. 

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Practice Ideas + Tools

Start to implement the Principles into your daily life with the variety of free tools in this section. Be inspired!

Just like learning to meditate, practice and patience are the keys to building a transformative practice!

The Principles always meet you where you are right now...and grow with you!

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Live What You Learn

Embody the teachings of the Principles and easily incorporate them into daily life.

Moment by moment, be guided by the whispers of your wise inner divine voice instead of the frantic shouts of your fearful ego.

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Share the Principles

Feel called to help spread the message of the Be Love Principles?

Suggest Diane be a speaker at your next event, be an official Be Love Principles Ambassador or take the next step and learn about our Certified Coaching Program.

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“I feel calm and less fearful. I noticed small things in life going my way or just better for me. I feel more gratitude.”



“Just connecting with any of the principles, even for 30 seconds, immediately, enables this shift inside of me, from human consciousness to spiritual consciousness.”



“I have more confidence, less ego, calmer relationships, more peace, etc. I can find more calm in situations and relationships because of understanding the Be Love Principles.”


It's said when you speak from your heart everybody listens, because God is speaking. That's how I felt when I read The Be Love Principles, and the experiences Diane had before they came through her. What a beautiful, moving and creative contribution they are to the world.

Randi Suskin - Spiritual Coach and Teacher

I'm Diane

Just like you, I started down the spiritual path to find answers to the challenges in my life. That led me to what I now know to be a core truth: 

Every moment of every day, I believe we choose to live from love or fear. 

In a May 2018 meditation I silently asked, "Love, what do you most want me to know today?"  My answer came in a vision that revealed the Be Love Principles. In the years that have followed, I've shared these Principles from stage, in mastermind groups, on podcasts and with clients and students around the world. People who use them consistently experience profound shifts in a variety of life relationships like attitudes toward body image, money, romantic and family relationships, health issues and more!

My passion is now to share this teaching with all hearts open to a deeper connection to their own divine truth.

More About Diane

Be Clear, Calm and  Confident When You Use the Be Love Principles


Be Love Principles Workbook & Meditation


Download this easy workbook plus powerful meditation and begin to enjoy a life where you:

  • Feel more clear about who you are and what you're here to do
  • Feel calmer, more at peace and less triggered by life events
  • Enjoy more confidence and connection to yourself and others
  • Feel more loved and loving


Download Now


Coach with Diane

Are you looking for individual support on your spiritual path? Let's talk...


Let's Connect

Feel free to reach out any time 


"The Be Love Principles are simplistic in nature and breaks you free from resentment and regret. I use them every day and they work."

Tremayne Johnson - Inspirational Communicator, TV Producer and Founder of the Unconditional Love Conference


"Why are there so many nature images on this site? To remind you that you come from the same creative energy...and are just as beautiful."    - Diane